Keeping a healthy body weight is key to your overall wellness. If you have a broken, chipped or lose tooth, you may be experiencing a change in your diet to meet your daily calorie intake. Eating soft foods makes you most likely to eat more sugary and high-carbohydrate foods than the average person. Food with high levels of sugars and carbohydrates may increase your weight leading to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. To regain strength in your jaw and teeth, our dentist in near you recommends you undergo a restorative treatment like dental implants.

Dental Implants Offered in Kelowna

Dental implants are titanium posts placed on your missing tooth socket to engage with your jawbone and give stability and strength to an artificial replacement tooth, such as crowns. Dental implants may help you regain oral health and control of your diet. Here are a few reasons dental implants can help reduce the probability of developing heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

1. Improve your ability to bite

Hard foods are not recommended to patients with partial dentures or damaged teeth as they can increase pain in your gums; other foods like crunchy apples that provide fibre create an excess force on your gums which can lead to your tooth being knocked out. It is difficult for people who are in a rush to properly chop, mince or puree their meals. Therefore, they avoid the struggle to eat properly and eat sugary foods to fulfil them.

Meals that are easy to eat, like mashed potatoes and pasta, have high calories and low levels of fibre and do not provide your body with enough minerals and vitamins for weight management. However, after getting a dental implant in Kelowna, and after the recovery time has passed, you can enjoy crunchy foods with precautions as these are well attached to your jawbone like natural teeth.

2. Enable proper chewing

Chewing and biting require force and strength in your mouth to break down your meals for easy travel to your throat and stomach. Dental implants help you regain strength to chew your foods properly for better digestion. Remember to always follow a nutritious diet that gives your body the right amount of mineral and vitamins it needs to metabolize foods efficiently.

3. Reduce digestive problems

Did you know that your saliva contains digestive enzymes produced in your mouth when chewing food? Digestive enzymes not only help the transportation of foods from your throat to your stomach, but they also help improve digestion and avoid problems like:

  •     Gastric reflux
  •     Indigestion
  •     Acidity
  •     Bloating
  •     Heartburn
  •     Headache
  •     Low energy
  •     Constipation

We offer dental implants to improve your smile’s appearance and health. Getting dental implants with a dentist near you will increase the functionality and efficiency of your digestive system to absorb the right nutrients it needs to distribute to your body for overall wellness.

4. Reduce the need for “filler” foods

Have you ever wondered why you are low on energy? A few factors may affect your energy levels, but the one that you should pay close attention to is your diet. If your body does not get enough plant-based nutrients, your body will immediately demand high sugary foods to accommodate the low energy levels. High-carbohydrate foods such as candies, cakes, dairy products, and fast foods contain high amounts of sugar; we refer to these as “filler” foods that boost your energy levels for a short period. Consumption of sugar and high-carbohydrate foods can lead to obesity even if you exercise regularly. You can take control of your health and diet by reducing the need for “filler” foods when getting a dental implant near you. Take the first step to a healthier lifestyle.

Our dentist in Kelowna will evaluate your oral health on the first consultation to see if you are a candidate for a dental implant. Book a consultation with Dr. Sean in Kelowna to improve your wellness and diet.

For more information on dental implants, call our office at (250) 765-1188.
